Beard Transplant
Do you struggle with patchy areas in your beard or seem to be unable to grow facial hair? A full, thick beard is often seen as a sign of masculinity and can affect your self-confidence. A beard transplant can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and cover areas of scarring or burns. The specialists at Avance Hair Transplant will assist you in achieving the beard of your dreams so you can feel more confident about your appearance.
Facial Hair Growth Surgery
A beard transplant is an outpatient facial hair growth surgery that can be performed using a local anesthetic in approximately two to six hours with minimal discomfort. Hair follicles are transplanted from a donor site on your head to your beard area. Dr. Erez Dayan specializes in techniques that will provide you with permanent, natural-looking results with minimal scarring and recovery time.
Slight redness or swelling can be expected for the first few days after surgery. You will receive special aftercare instructions from your surgeon after the procedure to help minimize any side effects and maximize a successful outcome. Full results may be noticeable within a few months. You may need additional surgical treatments or non-surgical medical solutions to achieve your desired results.
Beard Transplant Benefits
A beard transplant can offer several benefits for men. A full beard can help provide protection for your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. It can also reduce shaving blemishes, hide acne, preserve natural skin moisture and trap allergens and pollutants. The surgery will help you feel more attractive and may positively impact every area of your personal and professional life.
Are You Ready for a Beard Transplant?
A beard transplant can be an ideal permanent solution for men who are struggling to grow facial hair or dealing with bald patches. Avance Hair Transplant offers in-person and virtual consultations for men looking into facial hair restoration. Dr. Erez Dayan can explain the benefits and risks and answer any questions you may have. During your appointment, Dr. Dayan will determine if you are an ideal candidate and recommend a treatment plan customized to your needs. Schedule a beard transplant consultation today.