Say Goodbye to Aging Brows

While we tend to think about facial aging in terms of wrinkles and sagging skin, getting older can also include changes to your eyebrows. It is not uncommon for the eyebrows to change in shape, fullness and contour as you age. Unfortunately, sparse eyebrows can compromise the beauty of your eyes and subtly add years to your appearance. This is the very reason that many women start using an eyebrow pencil to “fill in” their brows in their 30’s, 40’s and beyond. If you are tired of drawing on youthful eyebrows and want a more permanent solution for brow fullness, we invite you to consider eyebrow hair transplant.
What Happens to the Eyebrows Over Time
Just like your lips or hands, your eyebrows can look different in your 50’s than they did in your 20’s. While you may find yourself taming thick and overgrown eyebrows during adolescence, your eyebrows in late adulthood may appear quite lacking. The length and fullness of eyebrows is what typically defines their beauty. Unfortunately, these are two aspects that deplete as you get older.
Especially in women, eyebrows often get sparse and patchy as they age. As you trade in your tweezers for eyebrow pencils, you may also discover that the tail and front of your brows are receding and their color is graying. The loss of hair color in the brows is what can also make them coarser. When the brows are not full, well-defined or arched, it can add years to your appearance and even make you look sad or tired. A skilled hair transplant surgeon can help.
How an Eyebrow Transplant Can Help
With the skilled and strategic hands of a hair transplant surgeon, you can regain the beautiful eyebrows you had when you were young. Just like the hair on your head, the individual hair follicles within your brows can be replaced using donor hair, which is often taken from the back of your head. This is performed with the preferred follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. It doesn’t take much donor hair to fill in your aging brows, lengthen them and recreate an attractive arch. In doing so, you may find that your eyes and entire upper face are rejuvenated without having to undergo invasive plastic surgery.
Don’t discount the influence that your eyebrows can have on your overall appearance. Are you tired of your ritual of drawing on your eyebrows each morning? Do you want a more permanent and natural-looking solution to sparse or patchy eyebrows? Call Avance Hair Transplant today to learn more about eyebrow restoration.
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5588 Longley Lane, Suite C
Reno, NV 89511
Phone: (775) 300-2000